The enormous extension of Argentina covers since the Tropic of Capricorn to the Antarctic, while their large differences – with lower depressions than the sea level to the peak but high of the continent (the Aconcagua) – they configure a very various climatic situation. But always one must keep in mind that the months but colds of the European winter coincide with the southern summer, and all the stations are inverse to the ones that happen themselves in Europe.
In the months of summer – from December to March – the temperatures oscillate among the 30º and the 35º, being able to arrive in some north zones to the 40º or more, with high indices of humidity in the regions of the Seaboard.
The most minimum average temperature in winter – from June to Setiembre – is around the 0º, although of course, in zones of mountain temperatures are given below zero. The large they snowed, they take place in the region of the Andes and al south of the Patagonia. With respect to the rains, already we have said that they descend to the extent that we go toward the west.
The areas with greater haste are the zone of the lakes, al southwest of the province of Neuquén, the west of the province of Black River – with near 4.000 mm. annual – and the province of Missions where they are registered to 2.000 mm. al year.
In Buenos Aires and their province the climate is used to having abrupt ups and downs, with very warm and humid summers, of temperatures among 30º and 40º, followed by downpours or storms and dry winds that cause they descend the thermometer. The winter, on the other hand, more is moderated, with maximum temperatures of 15º during the day and of 0º to 7º in the night. |